What does it take to volunteer?
Being a volunteer firefighter is not about your experiences, what degree you have, where you come from or even what you look like. It’s about one thing: Heart. Do you have what it takes to serve your community? We do require new members to be eighteen years of age or older, be physically fit and pass a background check. But when it comes right down to it, volunteering as a first responder is all about having the heart and drive to make a difference where it’s needed most.
What if I’m not yet eighteen?
Boys and girls from 15 to 17 can join as a Novice Volunteer. By attending drills and participating in non- firefighting activities you will find out more about fire service firsthand and be well prepared to move into active duty when you turn 18.
How can I serve my community?
If you are ready to serve your community in ways that few can, you have just about everything you need to get started. Here in North Queensbury, we’re not only a community of homes and businesses, we’re also surrounded be a renowned lake with beautiful mountains and miles of hiking trails. As a member, you will be able to serve your community not only by fighting structure and woodland fires, but also marine rescue in summer, ice rescue in winter and mountain and medical assist and highway rescue at any time. We also help in other emergencies such a downed trees, power outages, and flooding.
In fact, we tell residents of North Queensbury that…..
What skills will I need?
When you sign on to be a volunteer firefighter, you will receive all the training you need to get started. As a new member, you will be assigned a mentor, a senior member who will guide you during your first year. Training sessions are scheduled at the firehouse three Thursday evenings each month. The first Thursday is a membership meeting. During your first year you will be required to attend the New York State Firefighter 1 course, held at one of the Warren County fire houses. Typically, the course is ten weekday evening sessions and two day-long Saturday sessions. Over subsequent years you will have the opportunity to take a range of specialty courses such as: emergency scene specialties, first responder/EMT, fire police, SCUBA diving. Many of the skills you will learn will be invaluable in your everyday life and have proven invaluable to those planning for career positions in emergency service.
What is it like to be a volunteer firefighter?
By becoming a volunteer firefighter you will be joining a brotherhood of men and women unlike any other, a valuable comradeship, praised by those already in fire service. Take a moment to read our member reasons to be a volunteer in the MEMBERS' section. The best way to fond out who we are and what we do, is to visit the firehouse on any of our drill nights. These are the second, third and fourth Thursdays beginning at 7:00 PM.
What are the personal benefits of becoming a volunteer firefighter?
There are many benefits, both personal and material. Personal benefits include:
There are material rewards as well. The volunteer services are valued at every level of society, and there are a variety of incentives available that may include:
How do I become a North Queensbury member?
The North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company always needs new; dedicated, energetic members and you will be surely welcomed. Step one is to download and complete a Membership Application. If you are applying as a Novice Member, download and complete the Novice Membership Application.
Have a current member act as your sponsor and have him/her sign the application form. At the next monthly meeting, your sponsor will propose you as a new member and submit your application. Following an interview and background check you will become a member and be assigned a mentor.
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David Aust (Exterior Firefighter / Chaplain)
Jeff Baertschi (Chief / Interior Firefighter/ EMT/ Diver)
P.J. Callahan (Interior Firefighter/ EMT)
Gerard Bielak (Interior Firefighter)
Pete Carr (Interior Firefighter/ 4th Asst. Chief)
Dan Davies (Interior Firefighter/ EMT/ Diver / Director)
Frank DeNardo (Interior Firefighter / Diver / First Assistant Chief)
Evan Donegan (Interior Firefighter)
Howard Fischer (Exterior Firefighter)
Larry Fischer (Exterior Firefighter)
Greg France (Interior Firefighter / Safety Officer / Director / Diver)
Hal Halliday (Exterior Firefighter / Fire Police Captain)
Jason Halliday (Interior Firefighter / Third Assistant Chief / Diver / Director)
Jon Halliday (Exterior Firefighter)
John Hodgkins (Interior Firefighter)
John Jarosz (Interior Firefighter)
Todd Mahony (Board / Immediate Past President)
Fred McKinney (Interior Firefighter / EMT / Diver)
Rob Nonni (Fire Police Officer)
Schoonover, James Neal Jr. (Firefighter)
Schoonover, James Neal III (Interior Firefighter)
Smith, Peter N. (Firefighter)
Wilcox, Dave (Firefighter/ Fire Police Officer/ Director)
Andrew Jeckel (Interior Firefighter)
Anthony Halliday (I.T. Administration)
Chuck Gales (Interior Firefighter / Dive Team)
Cayden Johnston (Interior Firefighter)
Charles Munzenmaier (Administration)
Dennis Burrows (Probationary Firefighter)
Joe Family (Interior Firefighter)
Jacob Fetterman (Probationary Firefighter)
Ken Rohne (Vice President / Exterior Firefighter)
Lisa Munzenmaier (President / EMT)
Matthew Burrows (Probationary Firefighter)
Max Hohman (Probationary Firefighter)
Nick Jeckel (Probationary Firefighter)
Nathan Hohman (Probationary Firefighter)
Paul Lindsay (Interior Firefighter)
Patty Mahony (Administrative)
R.J. Moon (Interior Firefighter)
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